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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Choux Pastry ala Master Chef Australia

Bikin kue sus ini gara-gara terinspirasi dari Masterchef Australia yang tayang tiap hari di channel 10. Aslinya sih bikin coffee eclair. Lihat fillingnya kok rasanya maknyuss banget.. cream with vanilla ..hmmmm akhirnya pingin coba. Gimana nggak enak pake pure cream dan Vanilla bean asli. Wangi..
Anak2 bawa juga ke sekolah, mereka suka sekali dengan filling vanilla ini, seperti ice cream. Resepnya nyusul yaa.

Ini resepnya ya:


265 ml milk
210 ml water
1 tbs sugar & little bit salt
150 gr unsalted butter

260 gr flour
8 eggs


Preheat the oven 210-220 degrees Celcius.
Bring to boil ingredients A. Add flour and mix until flour cooked. Cook long enough, until separate from the pan and has shiny dough. Turn off the stove, and mix the dough to make it cool. You can use mixer to do that.
Add 2 eggs at a time.
Put the mixture into piping bag and make eclair shapes or any shapes you want.
Bake about 20 minutes, and do not open the oven door. To make it dry add 10 minutes at 180 degrees Celcius. If there are no bubble on the surface that mean, your choux ready. Let it cool.

Vanilla Cream:

Mix the 300 ml heavy cream (fresh cream) with little bit icing sugar, if you want sweet filling you can put more :)and vanilla seeds from 1 pod Vanilla bean ( you can use 1 tsp vanilla paste instead). Do not over mix. Fill into the choux using piping bag. Do not use vanilla essense, as the taste will be different.

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