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Friday, October 24, 2008

Beach Theme Birthday Cake

This beach theme birthday cake are for Chelsey and Stephanie's 8 th birthday on 12 October 2008. Chelsey's cake photos are still in my husband mobile and he hasn't transfered it into my PC. The cake almost the same, just playing with colour. They are happy with the cake. They said the cakes are very moist and delicious. I made vanilla sponge cake and chocolate sponge cake from Yongki's recipe.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

(A Tribute to Ruri) Zupa Soup

Jujur saja, aku belum mengenal mbak Ruri secara pribadi. Tapi ternyata setelah melihat blognya, banyak sekali resep yang aku pernah coba. Dan rasanya enak2. Mulai dari chiffon ketan hitam, iga panggang ( ini jadi favorit suami) dan muffin wilton. Dan untuk ikut event ini aku coba Zupa Soup yang resepnya diambil dari blog-nya mbak Ruri (http://kuehruri.blogspot.com). Rasanya enak banget. Anak2 dan suami langsung kasih cium lho he..he..setelah nyobain makan soup ini. Terima kasih mbak Ruri atas sharing resep2-nya. Sangat membantu buat yang nggak bisa masak seperti aku :)
Ini resepnya:

Zupa Soup
Source : Kursus Pastry NCC

Bahan :
Puff Pastry siap beli, tipiskan, potong kotak, sesuai ukuran mangkuk.

Sup Ayam Jamur
Bahan :
100gr Jamur kaleng, cincang, bisa diganti dengan sosis
150 gr Ayam rebus, potong dadu
50 gr Bawang bombay, cincang
1,5 lt Kaldu ayam
250 ml Susu evaporated (aku pake susu cair segar)
50 gr Tepung terigu
100 gr Mentega
½ sdt Merica bubuk
2 sdt Garam
1 sdt Chicken powder (gak pake)

Cara membuatnya :
  • Panaskan margarin, tumis bawang bombay sampai layu, masukkan tepung terigu, aduk rata, biarkan terigu matang, tuangi susu dan kaldu, aduk rata biarkan mendidih, pindahkan kedalam panci.
  • Masukkan ayam, jamur dan bumbu lainnya, aduk rata.
  • Cicipi, bila sudah pas, matikan api.

Penyelesaian :

  • Tuang sup kedalam mangkuk keramik tahan panas, tutup bagian atasnya dengan adonan pastry. Oles dengan kuning telur. Olesi bibir mangkuk dengan kuning telur juga supaya kulit tidak lepas.
  • Oven hingga pastry matang coklat kekuningan.
  • Angkat, sajikan panas.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fruit Pie for Ariel's Birthday in School

I always want to make this fruit pie, and finally the time was right. I made this for Ariel's 8 birthday. I took the recipe from Dewi Joris ( Joris Kitchen). For one recipe make about 29 crust pies(small ones). Ariel brought the fruit pies to school and gave to her classmates when play time. They said the fruit pies taste nice and delicious...hmmm yumm yumm
I will make this fruit pies again for sure. Thanks Dewi for the recipe.

Blueberry Cheesecake for Ariel's Birthday

Today is Ariel's 8 th birthday. She wants me to make blueberry cheesecake for her. Ariel loves everything in blue. And she loves blue jelly too. After browsing for the recipe, I decided to make this easy blueberry cheesecake. I arranged the blueberries in a star shape ( she loves stars), and poured the blue jelly on top. She loves it. Happy birthday Ariel...you grew up so fast indeed. We love you so much..
The recipe taken from Kin-Jay