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Feel free to browse and if you want to order just give me a call or drop a line on my email.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Scallop Curry
Sejak tinggal di Melbourne, kita sekeluarga di sini jadi sering mencoba aneka masakan dari berbagai negara, dan kebetulan bumbu-bumbunya gampang di temukan di supermarket. Kali ini mencoba Curry. Curry ini bisa di masak apapun, dari ayam, daging sapi, aneka sayur sampai seafood.
Scallop Curry
250 gr scallop. Bisa sayuran aja atau diganti ayam.
1 sdm bubuk mild indian curry atau sesuai selera, kalau suka pedes bisa ditambah
minyak untuk menumis
1 siung bawang putih geprak /iris
1 bawang bombay iris.
1 sdm santan kental
Aneka sayuran yang di sukai. Di sini pakai wortel, buncis, dan brokoli yang direbus setengah matang.
garam dan gula sesuai selera.
Cara Membuat:
1. Potong2 sayuran dan cuci bersih. Cuci scallop utuh /ayam potong2 dadu.
2. Panaskan minyak di pan/wajan, masukkan bawang putih dan bombay. Setelah berubah warna masukkan bubuk kari, aduk2 sampai harum, lalu masukkan scallop/ayam , aduk2 sampai daging matang.
3. Setelah itu baru masukkan sayuran rebus dan santan kental. Masak sampai mendidih dan matikan api. Jangan terlalu lama karena sayur sudah matang. Sajikan dengan nasi panas.
Yakitori Chicken
Kepingin masakan Jepang nih...jadi nyoba sate ala Jepang ...gampang dan enak...
Bisa ditambah salad wortel plus mayonaise yummm
Yakitori Chicken from "KITCHEN" book of Australian Womens Weekly
500 gr chicken breast fillets/ dada ayam
1/2 cup (125 ml) mirin
1/4 cup (60 ml) kecap manis
1 tablespoon light soy sauce/ kecap asin light
1 teaspoon toasted sesame seeds/ wijen di panggang atau disangrai
1 green onion / bisa pake bawang putih atau bombay.
1. Slice chicken into thin diagonal strips, thread strips loosely onto skewers. Place skewers in single layer, in large shallow baking dish.
2. Combine mirin,kecap manis, light soy sauce in small jug. Pour halve of the marinade over skewers, reserve remaining marinate. Cover and refrigerate 3 hours or overnight.
3. Simmer reserved marinate in small saucepan over low heat until reduced by half.
4. Meanwhile, cook drained skewers in heated oiled grill pan until chicken cooked.
5. Serve skewers drizzled with hot marinate, sprinkle with sesame seeds and onion.
Cara membuat:
1. Dada ayam dipotong dadu, dan di tusuk pake tusuk sate . Tempatkan sate ayam di wadah .
2. Campur Mirin, kecap manis, dan kecap asin di mangkok. Siramkan separuh marinate ke sate ayam dan biarkan 3 jam atau semalaman di dalam kulkas.
3. Panaskan sisa marinate sampai volumenya tinggal separuhnya.
4. Masak sate ayam sampai matang.
5. Sajikan sate dengan saucenya dan di taburi biji wijen dan bawang.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Cupcake Valentine
Kebetulan pingin nyobain bikin white cake dari Martha Steward, bikin setengah resep aja dan sekalian aja di bikin cupcake, besok kan Valentine Day he..he..
Cara membuatnya sama seperti membuat butter cake tapi ditambah putih telur kocok. Cake-nya sedikit lebih lembut dan rasanya yummm. Untuk hiasannya pake Creamcheese Frosting. Ariel bantuin kasih ide dan menghias dengan tema Sprinkle..Sprinkle..Sprinkle...well done Ariel.
White Cake by Martha Stewart
Makes two 9-inch cakes
- 3 cups cake flour (not self-rising)
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 1/2 cups (3 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature
- 2 1/4 cups sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
- 1 cup milk
- 8 large egg whites
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Butter two 9-by-2-inch round cake pans; line bottoms with parchment paper rounds. Butter parchment, and dust with flour, tapping out excess; set aside.
- Into a medium bowl, sift together flour, baking powder, and salt; set aside. In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat butter and 2 cups sugar until light and fluffy, 3 to 4 minutes, scraping down sides of bowl as needed. Beat in vanilla. With mixer on low speed, add flour mixture in three parts, alternating with milk and beginning and ending with flour; beat until just combined. Transfer mixture to a large bowl; set aside.
- In the clean bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, beat egg whites on low speed until foamy. With mixer running, gradually add remaining 1/4 cup sugar; beat on high speed until stiff, glossy peaks form, about 4 minutes. Do not overbeat. Gently fold a third of the egg-white mixture into the butter-flour mixture until combined. Gently fold in remaining whites.
- Divide batter evenly between prepared pans, smoothing with an offset spatula. Bake, rotating pans halfway through, until cakes are golden brown and a cake tester inserted in centers comes out clean, 30 to 35 minutes. Transfer pans to a wire rack to cool 20 minutes. Invert cakes onto rack; peel off parchment. Reinvert cakes, and let them cool completely, top sides up.
30 gr butter
80 gr cream cheese
1 1/2 cups icing sugar
1 teaspoon grated lemon zest
Mix together until creamy, and ready to use for decorating.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Chicken & Mushroom Risotto
Waktu Mother's Day May 2007 kemarin, kita para ibu2 he..he..pada dinner di resto Italia "Michaelangelo". Aku pesan risotto ini. Dan ini pertama kali aku merasakan yang namanya Risotto. Rasanya enak banget. Lalu aku penasaran mau bikin sendiri, dan ketemu resepnya di Taste.com.au yang ambil dari majalah Super Food Ideas. Rasanya mirip dan nggak usah makan di resto karena bisa bikin sendiri dan bisa nambah he..he.. Anak2 dan suami juga pada doyan..apalagi Ariel, dia kalau makan kejunya dobel he..he...
Chicken & Mushroom Risotto
Ingredients serve 4
- 5 cups chicken stock
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- 1 brown onion, finely chopped
- 2 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
- 200g mixed mushrooms, sliced (we used button, oyster and shiitake) - aku pake button aja
- 2 cups arborio rice
- 1/2 cup dry white wine
- 2 large chicken breast fillets, trimmed
- 1 lemon, rind finely grated
- 50g pecorino cheese, grated - aku pake cheedar cheese
- 1/4 cup flat-leaf parsley leaves, chopped
- Bring stock to the boil in a saucepan over high heat. Reduce heat to low and simmer.
- Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a large, heavy-based saucepan over medium heat. Add onion, garlic and mushrooms. Cook, stirring often, for 5 minutes or until tender. Add rice. Cook, stirring, for 1 minute. Add wine and cook for 2 minutes or until wine evaporates.
- Reduce heat to low. Add stock, 1 ladle at a time. Stir with a wooden spoon until all liquid has been absorbed. Repeat with remaining stock (see note).
- Meanwhile, heat remaining oil in a frying pan over medium heat. Add chicken. Cook for 4 minutes each side or until just cooked through. Remove to a board. Thinly slice.
- Add chicken and lemon rind to rice mixture with the last ladle of stock. Cook for 2 to 3 minutes or until heated through. Remove from heat. Add pecorino and parsley. Season with salt and pepper. Stir to combine (rice should be tender but firm in the centre). Spoon into bowls. Serve.
Notes & tips
- To reheat, spoon into microwave-safe bowls. Drizzle with 1/4 cup stock. Cover with damp paper towel. Microwave on MEDIUM (50%) for 4 minutes or until hot.
- The process of stirring in stock takes about 20 minutes. Adding more than 1 ladle of stock at a time will cause liquid to be absorbed too quickly, leaving the rice only partially cooked.
Super Food Ideas - April 2007 , Page 25
Recipe by Janelle Bloom
Monday, February 11, 2008
Lumpia Semarang
Resep Lumpia ini di ambil dari kursus INDRA di Malang. Waktu pindahan ke Malang dulu sempat ambil kursus masak masakan ala Semarang. Soalnya masih tinggal di hotel dan tempat kursus ini di belakangnya Hotel Regent Malang, jadi praktis sekali...
Lumpia Semarang (by Indra Baking & Cooking Course)
Kulit: 150 gr putih telur Beli jadi aja praktis
200 gr tepung terigu (cakra)
200 cc air
11/2 sdt garam
Isi: 500 gr rebung iris halus dan direbus dulu, peras ( beli aja yg kalengan atau sdh irisan di market)
150 gr udang rebus di cincang
300 gr daging ayam cincang
1 sdm ebi yang disangrai , lalu haluskan ( sebelum di sangrai , di rendam dulu dalam air 15 menit)
4 siung bawang putih iris halus (geprak, iris)
minyak untuk menumis
1/2 sdt merica
1 sdt garam
1 sdt vetsin (aku nggak pake)
1 sdt gula
1 sdm kecap manis
2 sdm kecap asin
5 sdm daun bawang iris halus
3 sdm brambang goreng dihaluskan
1 atau 2 telur kocok untuk mengikat adonan (kalau aku tak bikin orak arik dulu br dimasukin belakangan, soalnya nanti amis kalau langsung)
5 siung bawang putih dihaluskan
50 gr gula merah
250 cc air
2 sdm gula pasir
1 sdt garam
1 sdt kecap manis
sedikit maizena untuk mengentalkan.
Cara membuat:
Isi: Tumis bawang putih sampai harum, kecap asin, masukkan udang cincang, ayam tumis sampai matang, lalu masukkan rebung lalu masukkan semua sisa bumbunya. Terakhir masukkan ebi, telur orak arik, dan bawang merah goreng, campur rata. Rasanya disesuaikan selera, kalau keluarga sini suka manis. Kalau suka asin mungkin gula nggak usah dipake.
Angco: Masak air di panci , masukkan gula merah, gula pasir, garam, kecap manis, setelah mendidih kentalkan dengan maizena, dan baru masukkan bawang putihnya.
Isi kulit lumpia dengan isinya dan lipat seperti amplop, goreng dengan minyak panas. Sajikan dengan angco, dan Cabe rawit..wah..sedap......
Mengolah rebung;
Rebung yang segar perlu di rebus berkali-kali dan airnya diganti sampai bau nya hilang. Kalau beli yang sudah di iris2 kadang masih bau dan ada yang sudah nggak . Kalau beli yang kalengan, bau-nya sudah hilang dan sudah empuk, tapi perlu dibilas untuk menghilangkan bau kalengnya.
Selamat mencoba ya....
Iga Panggang
Iga panggang ini jadi masakan favorit kalau weekend. Enak sekali..dan empuk.
Iga Panggang ( by Ruri yang nyoba resepnya mbak Yanti NCC)
1 kg Iga sapi, rebus dalam presto 30 menit. Tiriskan. (Kalau aku nggak di presto soalnya nggak punya he..he.., jadi langsung aja direndam dengan bumbu)
2 sdm Mayonaise
2 sdm saus tomat
saus sambel sesukanya ( aku nggak pake , karena anak2 nggak suka pedes)
3 sdm kecap manis
1 sdt minyak wijen
2 sdm madu
Campur semua bumbu dan balurkan pada iga sapi. Simpan di dalam wadah tertutup semalam di dalam kulkas. Susun dalam wadah pirex dan panggang di oven dengan suhu rendah 150 derajat, selama 3 jam -4 jam. Kalau sudah di presto manggangnya nggak perlu lama2 karena iganya sudah matang dan empuk.
Dendeng Manis
Dendeng ini rasanya manis dan enak, anak2 dan suami pada suka di buat camilan, di makan pake nasi juga bisa, thanks for the recipe Stella.
Dendeng Manis By Stella
Bahan :
500 gr daging babi + 100 gr lemak di giling
50 gr gula pasir
10 gr garam
5 gr salpeter ( aku nggak pake)
1 sdm Arak masak
1 sdt bumbu ngo hiong
Aduk daging dan bumbu2. Ratakan adonan daging di loyang. Panggang di oven dengan suhu 160 derajat, sampai matang. Potong tipis2 dan di grill sambil dioles lagi dengan minyak/air sisa pemanggangan.
Flower Making Recipe by Cynthia Venn (Sugar Inspirations Wedding Flowers)
Flower Modelling Paste I
500 gr (1lb/3 cups) icing sugar
2 teaspoons cornflour
3 teaspoons gum tragacanth
2 teaspoons powdered gelatine
5 teaspoons cold water
2 teaspoons white vegetable fat
2 teaspoons liquid glucose
1 egg white (size 2)
1. Sift the sugar, cornflour, and gum tragacanth into a heatproof bowl. Heat gently in the oven or over a pan of boiling water until the sugar feels warm.
2. Sprinkle the gelatine on to the water in the heatproof bowl and leave to stand until the gelatine has absorbed all the water. Dissolve over a saucepan of hot water or in microwave. ( Do not allow the mixture to boil as this would destroy the elasticity). Remove from the heat and add the fat and liquid glucose.
3. Pour the liquids and the egg white into a well in the centre of the sugar mixture. Mix in a heavy duty electric mixer on the slowest speed until the sugar has been incorporated. Increase the speed to maximum and mix for 5-10 minutes or until the paste is white and stringy. (use of a dough hook will place less strain on your mixer).
4. Put the paste into a strong polythene bag and leave it in a container in the refrigerator overnight.
5. Next day, bring to room temperature. Smear your hands well with white fat and knead the paste well, adding more fat if it is sticky.
6. As this pste dries out very quickly, it must be kept covered. To use, cut off only the small quantity required and store the remaining paste in the refrigerator. Alternatively, cut the paste into portions, wrap well and freeze.
Flower Modelling Paste II
This is a simpler recipe for making flower paste, which can be made without a heavy-duty mixer.
155 gr ( 5 oz/1 cup) icing sugar
1 egg white or equivalent volume of albumen liquid
2 heaped teaspoons Tylose powder
1 teaspoons white vegetable fat
1. Beat together the icing sugar and egg white or albumen as if making royal icing. Beat to the soft peak stage. Add the tylose powder and vegetable fat, and mix for about 45 seconds.
2. Smear a little fat on the work surface and knead the paste until pliable. Place in a polythene bag and store in an airtight container.
This paste can be made in bulk from 1.6 kg (3 1/4 lb/9 3/4 cups) icing sugar, 6 egg whites (or albumen liquid), 1 pot ( 60 gr/2oz) Tylose powder and 30 gr (1 oz) vegetable fat. Cut the prepared paste into convenient portions, wrap well and freeze.
This mixture can be used for modelling and for making plaques.
500 gr (1 lb/3 cups) icing sugar
1 teaspoons gum tragacanth
3 tablespoons cold water
1 1/2 teaspoons powdered gelatine
1. Put the sugar and gum tragacanth in the heatproof bowl and warm gently in the oven or over a saucepan of hot water.
2. Sprinkle the gelatine on to the water in a small heatproof bowl and leave to soak until all the water is absorbed. Place the bowl in a pan of very hot ( but not boiling) wter to dissolve the gelatine, stirring from time to time. Check that all the grains of gelatine are dissolved. (Do not boil the mixture as this will destroy the elasticity).
3. Add the gelatine to the sugar and mix in an electric mixer with a K beater. If a litlle dry, add a drop more water.
Gum Glue
This is a good alternative adhesive when it is not desirable to use egg white when making flowers.
2 teaspoons gum arabic
4 teaspoons rose water
Put the gum arabic and rose water in a small heatproof pot. Set the pot in a pan of hot water and stir until dissolved.
Extra Strong Gum Glue
This is very strong, fast setting glue suitable for sticking together dry petals. It is very usefull for invisible repairing broken petals, as it can be made exactly the same colour as the flower by using the same paste as a base.
Flower paste modelling I/II
Gum Glue (above) or lightly beaten egg white.
Place a small piece of flower paste on a board. Add drop of gum glue or egg white and mash these together to make a very sticky substance whish will dry quickly.
Plaque Paste
This is plaque paste can be used in the same way as pastillage, as is less expensive to make as it doesn't required gum tragacanth. This paste can be rooled very thinly, but it dries very quickly, even in wet weather.
1 teaspoon powdered gelatine
6 teaspoons water
250 gr (8 oz/1 1/2 cups) icing sugar
2 heaped teaspoons Tylose powder
1/2 heaped teaspoons cream of tartar
1. Dissolve the gelatine in the water as described in step 2 of pastillage recipe.
2. Sift the sugar, Tylose powder and cream and add cream of tartar together. make awell and add the gelatine. Stir quickly and when bound, start kneading into a smooth, pliable paste.
500 gr (1lb/3 cups) icing sugar
2 teaspoons cornflour
3 teaspoons gum tragacanth
2 teaspoons powdered gelatine
5 teaspoons cold water
2 teaspoons white vegetable fat
2 teaspoons liquid glucose
1 egg white (size 2)
1. Sift the sugar, cornflour, and gum tragacanth into a heatproof bowl. Heat gently in the oven or over a pan of boiling water until the sugar feels warm.
2. Sprinkle the gelatine on to the water in the heatproof bowl and leave to stand until the gelatine has absorbed all the water. Dissolve over a saucepan of hot water or in microwave. ( Do not allow the mixture to boil as this would destroy the elasticity). Remove from the heat and add the fat and liquid glucose.
3. Pour the liquids and the egg white into a well in the centre of the sugar mixture. Mix in a heavy duty electric mixer on the slowest speed until the sugar has been incorporated. Increase the speed to maximum and mix for 5-10 minutes or until the paste is white and stringy. (use of a dough hook will place less strain on your mixer).
4. Put the paste into a strong polythene bag and leave it in a container in the refrigerator overnight.
5. Next day, bring to room temperature. Smear your hands well with white fat and knead the paste well, adding more fat if it is sticky.
6. As this pste dries out very quickly, it must be kept covered. To use, cut off only the small quantity required and store the remaining paste in the refrigerator. Alternatively, cut the paste into portions, wrap well and freeze.
Flower Modelling Paste II
This is a simpler recipe for making flower paste, which can be made without a heavy-duty mixer.
155 gr ( 5 oz/1 cup) icing sugar
1 egg white or equivalent volume of albumen liquid
2 heaped teaspoons Tylose powder
1 teaspoons white vegetable fat
1. Beat together the icing sugar and egg white or albumen as if making royal icing. Beat to the soft peak stage. Add the tylose powder and vegetable fat, and mix for about 45 seconds.
2. Smear a little fat on the work surface and knead the paste until pliable. Place in a polythene bag and store in an airtight container.
This paste can be made in bulk from 1.6 kg (3 1/4 lb/9 3/4 cups) icing sugar, 6 egg whites (or albumen liquid), 1 pot ( 60 gr/2oz) Tylose powder and 30 gr (1 oz) vegetable fat. Cut the prepared paste into convenient portions, wrap well and freeze.
This mixture can be used for modelling and for making plaques.
500 gr (1 lb/3 cups) icing sugar
1 teaspoons gum tragacanth
3 tablespoons cold water
1 1/2 teaspoons powdered gelatine
1. Put the sugar and gum tragacanth in the heatproof bowl and warm gently in the oven or over a saucepan of hot water.
2. Sprinkle the gelatine on to the water in a small heatproof bowl and leave to soak until all the water is absorbed. Place the bowl in a pan of very hot ( but not boiling) wter to dissolve the gelatine, stirring from time to time. Check that all the grains of gelatine are dissolved. (Do not boil the mixture as this will destroy the elasticity).
3. Add the gelatine to the sugar and mix in an electric mixer with a K beater. If a litlle dry, add a drop more water.
Gum Glue
This is a good alternative adhesive when it is not desirable to use egg white when making flowers.
2 teaspoons gum arabic
4 teaspoons rose water
Put the gum arabic and rose water in a small heatproof pot. Set the pot in a pan of hot water and stir until dissolved.
Extra Strong Gum Glue
This is very strong, fast setting glue suitable for sticking together dry petals. It is very usefull for invisible repairing broken petals, as it can be made exactly the same colour as the flower by using the same paste as a base.
Flower paste modelling I/II
Gum Glue (above) or lightly beaten egg white.
Place a small piece of flower paste on a board. Add drop of gum glue or egg white and mash these together to make a very sticky substance whish will dry quickly.
Plaque Paste
This is plaque paste can be used in the same way as pastillage, as is less expensive to make as it doesn't required gum tragacanth. This paste can be rooled very thinly, but it dries very quickly, even in wet weather.
1 teaspoon powdered gelatine
6 teaspoons water
250 gr (8 oz/1 1/2 cups) icing sugar
2 heaped teaspoons Tylose powder
1/2 heaped teaspoons cream of tartar
1. Dissolve the gelatine in the water as described in step 2 of pastillage recipe.
2. Sift the sugar, Tylose powder and cream and add cream of tartar together. make awell and add the gelatine. Stir quickly and when bound, start kneading into a smooth, pliable paste.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Nastar Nanas
Dulu sewaktu masih di Salatiga, nastar nanas ini selalu ada di rumah Bapak Ibu karena banyak orang yang memberi dalam rangka Natal. Dan kebetulan ada nanas dan lagi2 mumpung ada ibu yang bisa ikut bantuin he..he..
Nastar ini lembut, dan rasanya enak sekali. Nastar ini juga langsung habis, karena ini memang favorit keluarga. Aku dapet resep ini dari Tante Elly Tjan.
NASTAR NANAS (By Elly Tjan )
2 biji nanas, diparut
250 gram gula
4 butir cengkeh (tambahan aku)
1 batang kayu manis (tambahan aku )
3 biji kuning telur
300 gr mentega + margarin (1:1 supaya lebih enak, aku pake blueband dan butter yang ada di rumah)
75 gr gula
2 sdm susu bubuk
450 gr terigu
1 kuning telur + 1 sdm margarin leleh
Parut nanas dan masak di dalam panci alas tebal, masukkan gula dan kayu manis serta cengkih. Masak sampai gula larut dan kental & bisa dibentuk bola2 kecil .
* Mentega dan gula di mixer sampai tercampur rata, masukkan kuning telur , kocok lagi.
* Masukkan ayakan susu dan tepung ke dalam campuran mentega, gula, telur. Mixer sampai rata.
* Bentuk bulat kecil atau sesuai selera, isi dengan isian selai nanas.
* Panggang selama 20 menit dengan panas 180 derajat ( tergantung oven masing2), oles dan panggang lagi sampai matang dan dasar kue coklat.
Lidah Kucing Putih Telur
Pingin coba resep Lidah Kucing yang lain, dari browsing di google dapet punyanya Lia di Dapur Gue. Rasanya pas banget dan langsung amblas..he..he..semua pada suka, aku bikin agak banyak karena mau aku kasih ke Lollypop woman yang nyabrangin sekolahnya Ariel (aku bikin ini seminggu sebelum Natal 2007).
150 gr margarin
100 gr butter
200 gr gula halus
100 ml putih telur
1 sdt vanila essence (aku pake vanili bubuk)
200 gr terigu
50 gr maizena
* Kocok margarin, mentega, gula sampe lembut, putih dan mengembang. Masukkan putih telur dan vanili, kocok lagi.
* Masukkan tepung, aduk rata.
* Spuit ke loyang bentuk jari lurus2 atau ke loyang khusus lidah kucing.
* Panggang dalam oven 150 derajat kira2 20 menit atau sampai matang keemasan.
Kukis Hias
Ini aku bikin untuk ulang tahunnya Ariel (my pretty angel) yang ke 7. Untuk diisi ke lolly bag.
Resepnya dari Ruri (NCC).
* 300 gr mentega
* 100 gr gula halus
* 4 butir kuning telur
* 500 gr terigu
* 1 sdm maizena
* 1 sdt Vanilla bubuk
* Mentega dan gula halus dikocok sampai lembut, masukkan kuning telur, kocok lagi sampai tercampur rata. Kemudian masukkan ayakan campuran terigu, maizena, dan vanilla. Aduk sampai rata.
* Gilas adonan dan cetak sesuai selera, letakkan stik es ditengah (dioles putih telur dulu biar lengket).
* Panggang dengan suhu 160 derajat Celcius sampai matang kuning keemasan.
* Setelah dingin hias dengan Royal Icing. Panggang lagi dengan suhu rendah 10-15 menit, supaya matang putih telurnya.
60 cc putih telur ( kurang lebih 2 butir telur)
225 gr gula halus , ayak
1 sdt air jeruk nipis
1 sdt cuka ( aku nggak pake)
Kocok putih telur dan gula sampai kental, masukkan air jeruk aduk rata. Sesuai kekentalan yang diinginkan. Pisahkan , beri warna dan masukkan piping bag , dan siap untuk menghias.
Lidah Kucing Mocca
Mumpung ada Ibu & Bapak di sini, aku pingin nyobain bikin lidah kucing. Baru kali ini bikin lidah kucing. Kebetulan dapet resep dari Mbak Fat (NCC) jadi aku nyoba..dan hasilnya enaakkk...
aku hias dengan royal icing.
Ini resepnya :
LIDAH KUCING MOCCA (by Fatmah Bahalwan)
250 gr mentega
175 gr gula halus
75 cc putih telur
250 gr terigu
1 sdm mocca pasta
1/4 sdt BP
1/2 sdt emplex ( aku nggak pake)
* Kocok mentega, gula & mocca pasta hingga mengembang.
* Tuang putih telur, lanjutkan mengocok. Lalu tambahkan terigu, BP, kocok dengan speed rendah.
* Poles loyang, spuit bentuk jari lurus2
* Panggang api 150 derajat Celcius lebih kurang 20 menit.
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