Making Briar Roses (open rose single and double):
1. Use the rose cutter size 3 and 4 (from 6 set of double side rose cutter) or any rose cutter do you have. Roll out some flower paste, and cut 5 petals (from size 4) and 4 petals from size 3. To make single roses , you only need 5 petals. And to make double roses you need 9 petals.

2. Frill the side of the petal with a frilling stick to soften the edges and make it frill. And with the ball tool, slightly roll the middle of the petal to make it curved. Try to make the petal looks natural.

3. Put 1 petal to the aluminium layered patty pan, and smear little bit glue in one side of the edge. Stick the other petal overlaped to other petal. Do it until all 5 petals finish. Take the 4 smaller petals and stick 1 petal in the middle of 2 petals underneath with glue. Arrange the petals to make open rose.

4. Make yellow royal icing. Put in the piping bag. Cut the tip and drop some yellow icing in the centre.
Cut 4 stamen in half (become 8 pieces). Cut half the stamen in half again (16 pieces). Stick 4 top stamen and 4 middle white wire to icing. You can colour the stamen with brown colour just in the top.