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Feel free to browse and if you want to order just give me a call or drop a line on my email.
Feel free to browse and if you want to order just give me a call or drop a line on my email.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Transformer cupcakes for James
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Step by step making shoe cake box
Yesterday Shikin emailed me about how to make a shoe box cake with the lid open. And just the perfect time because I have to make a shoe cake for Marsha today. So I took the photos step by step. I hope this will help who wants to make this kind of cake. Sorry about the photos, not enough sun in my living room as Melbourne had a dull day today.
There is a book too which is really good one from Confetti Cakes for Kids by Elisa Strauss. She explains step by step very clearly. Very recommended book :)

This was the cake box after covered with fondant.

Push the dowel in and mark it with pencil approximately 1 cm above the cake. Take out the dowel then cut to desired length and then push it again into the cake. Cut more higher if you want the lid open higher. You can put 2 dowel as well instead of one dowel. Put on the left and right of cake, so it will support the lid.
Put a dab of royal icing as a glue.

Pipe royal icing at the end of the cake, to secure the lid at the bottom part. Slowly attach the lid onto the cake. The dowel will support the lid ( that's why you need the board under the cake). The first time I made this cake, I only used hard paper. And it wasn' strong enough to support the cake.
Shoe Cake box for Marsha
Jimmy Choo shoe for Marsha from Papa, Mama dan Nabil.
Ini pesenan mbak Reny untuk anaknya Marsha yang sekolah di Melbourne. Hari ini Marsha ulang tahun dan ternyata baru 2 minggu tinggal di Melbourne.
Waktu membuat cake ini bikin deg-degan. Cuaca Melbourne yang panas dan lembab akhir2 ini membuat fondant nggak bisa kering sempurna. Sepatunya sempat patah. Akhirnya bisa di sambung lagi tapi nggak sempurna lagi. Untung masih ada cadangan sepatu, untuk mengganti yang patah. Hanya heelnya tidak setinggi yang ada di foto.
Untuk mbak Reny, maaf ya aku nggak sempat lihat email soal ucapan di boardnya. Jadi nggak bisa sesuai permintaan.
Thanks for your order mbak Reny, and happy birthday for Marsha :)
Ini pesenan mbak Reny untuk anaknya Marsha yang sekolah di Melbourne. Hari ini Marsha ulang tahun dan ternyata baru 2 minggu tinggal di Melbourne.
Waktu membuat cake ini bikin deg-degan. Cuaca Melbourne yang panas dan lembab akhir2 ini membuat fondant nggak bisa kering sempurna. Sepatunya sempat patah. Akhirnya bisa di sambung lagi tapi nggak sempurna lagi. Untung masih ada cadangan sepatu, untuk mengganti yang patah. Hanya heelnya tidak setinggi yang ada di foto.
Untuk mbak Reny, maaf ya aku nggak sempat lihat email soal ucapan di boardnya. Jadi nggak bisa sesuai permintaan.
Thanks for your order mbak Reny, and happy birthday for Marsha :)
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Cherry Blossom LV bag for Nanette
Tas LV ini tadinya minta model Cherry Blossom limited edition. Tapi setelah di buat hasilnya nggak begitu bagus. Untung saja yang order nggak keberatan desingnya di rubah sedikit. Yang penting ada cherry blossomnya hehe.
Waktu buat cake ini, udara panas sekali di Melbourne, fondant nggak bisa kering. Lengket di tangan walaupun sudah di beri pure icing sugar. Hasilnya kurang rapi kalau aku bilang, kuenya rada melorot/ambles. Mungkin karena timpa 3 lapis fondant ( accesories) di atasnya. Bagian depannya agak berlipat2. Bagian belakang tasnya malah rapi.
Hope you like it Nanette and thanks for your order Melissa.
Waktu buat cake ini, udara panas sekali di Melbourne, fondant nggak bisa kering. Lengket di tangan walaupun sudah di beri pure icing sugar. Hasilnya kurang rapi kalau aku bilang, kuenya rada melorot/ambles. Mungkin karena timpa 3 lapis fondant ( accesories) di atasnya. Bagian depannya agak berlipat2. Bagian belakang tasnya malah rapi.
Hope you like it Nanette and thanks for your order Melissa.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Bee Cake for Ariel's 9 th birthday
Bzzz..bees looking for honey..hmm
Ide cake ini dari bukunya Easy Party Cake Debby Brown. Cute and simple. Ariel loves this cake, she even help me to decorate the cake. Happy birthday Ariel. We love you always. GBU.
Ide cake ini dari bukunya Easy Party Cake Debby Brown. Cute and simple. Ariel loves this cake, she even help me to decorate the cake. Happy birthday Ariel. We love you always. GBU.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Flowers Cupcakes set for Stephanie

Cupcakes set ini untuk Stephanie, temennya Ariel yang ulang tahun ke 9. Aku dekor pake bunga2 dan kupu2. Base cakenya lemon cupcake dan chocolate mud cake. Thanks Stephany for your order.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Rita and Thomas's Wedding Cupcakes

Wedding Cupcakes ini hadiah dari Hanny untuk temannya Rita dan Thomas yang menikah kemarin tanggal 3 Oktober 2009.
Acara resepsinya di Kotaraya Restaurant Clayton.
Selamat ya Rita dan Thomas. GBU.
Thanks Hanny for your order :)
Acara resepsinya di Kotaraya Restaurant Clayton.
Selamat ya Rita dan Thomas. GBU.
Thanks Hanny for your order :)
Monday, September 28, 2009
My brand new 5 tier cupcakes stand :)
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