Ini mau cerita cakenya atau mawar-nya sih...he..he..jawabannya dua2nya;)
soalnya aku lagi hepi nemu cake yang enak dan bikinnya nggak ribet. Bener- bener death by chocolate. Cakenya lembut dan rasanya makyuss xi..xi..
Di tambah ganache kocok yang rasanya nyoklat banget..
Aku lihat resepnya di buku resep HMFF-nya NCC 2007 by Dewi Anwar. Makasih ya Uni. Aku bikin 1/2 resep sih dan penyajiannya nggak seperti di resep. Tapi tetep enak. Kebetulan ada anak2 tetangga jadi sekalian aja mereka jadi tester ha..ha..,mereka suka sampe nambah. Yang namanya anak2 kalau yang namanya cake coklat pasti maju aja..:)
Nah sekarang mawarnya..mawarnya aku bikin dari chocolate fondant. Bukan diwarnai coklat/brown lho, tapi emang fondant rasa chocolate. Cara bikinnya sama dengan mawar biasa, hanya pake chocolate fondant. Rasanya juga kaya chocolate.
Resepnya nyusul yaa..
Modelling Chocolate recipe:200 grams dark cooking chocolate (buttons cadburry)
1/4 cup light corn syrup (Karo)
Melt chocolate buttons in the microwave or in double boiler.
Warm corn syrup to same temperature as chocolate in microwave.
Cool down at room temperature, and mix, but do not overmix.
wrap into plastic wrap and leave for 2 hours or until set.
Knead slightly so mixture becomes more pliable
Wrap again store at room temperature overnight before using
Do not refrigerate ( it will last few months)
Chocolate Fondant/chocolate sugarpaste
500 gr (1 lb) good-quality chocolate
150 ml (5 fl oz) liquid glucose
50 ml (13/4 floz) sugar syrup
about 600 gr (11/4 lb)sugarpaste
1. Chop the chocolate and put it in a heatproof bowl over a pan of hot water-don't let the bowl touch the water. Stir occasionally until the chocolate has melted.
2. Combined the glucose and sugar syrup in a bowl and place this in another bowl of hot water.Stir until just warm, then add to the chocolate. Stir with a wooden spoon. Cover and store at room temperaturefor 24 hours before using. Do not refrigate.
3. Before using, knead lightly to make pliable. Knead the chocolate paste with an equal weight of sugarpaste on a surface dusted with icing sugar and it is now ready to use. Roll out beetween sheets of plastics thicker than plastic wrap. makes 1.5kg(3lb)
sugar syrup:mix 6 tablespoon in 5 tablespoon of water. bring to boil for 3 minutes. cool to room temperature. store in airtight container.